
Showing posts from May, 2020

The collapse of the Mpororo kingdom

The collapse of the Mpororo kingdom at the end of the 18th century led to a power vacuum in south Kigezi that resulted in unopposed migrations from the south. Bakiga migrations of mid 19th century northwards displaced the Bashambo from Mpororo and was then renamed Rukiga. Bazigaaba and Bashengera pastoralists went north to Rujumbura after the Basigi influx in the 1880s. At the end of the 19th century there were also conflicts between the Basigi, Bakongwe and the Batwa west of Lake Bunyonyi combined with famines and land shortages as the fertile lands around the lake were much sought after. Each clan was ruled by leaders who were rain makers, medicine men, warriors or wise elders; meanwhile Nyabingi grew in power. In the north around Kinkiizi there were many Bakiga migrants though they faced opposition from the Congolese Bahunde from 18th century who were significant there and Kayonza up to the time of Ntokibiiri, the last great Bahunde leader. In Rujumbura there were few Bak


Most people would claim that there was no King in Bakiga but sources that Omukama Katuregye tried to rule greater Kigezi during partion of Africa. He waged a war against colonialists in areas of Ndorwa and Bufumbira actually is among Bakiga heroes who should be remembered. Omukama Katuregya Rucumitana Akasimba Ka Musigi as he was known in later life, was an important leader of the Bakongwe in Kigezi at the turn of the 20th century. KHis clan's ancestor was Kakongwe who was apparently son of Karengye, founder of the Barengye clans. The main line is Kakongwe, Muhondwora, Rutwa I, Biko, Kyobire, Ruta II, Musekure and Rwamushwa. Kakongwe moved from Burengye and settled in Nyakatare, near Lake Bunyoni, from where the family multiplied into many lineages and expanded their territories at the expense of Basigi, Bahesi, Bainika, Basakuru and Bunguru clans who migrated elsewhere. Kashasha then became the centre of their kingdom. The introduction of Nyabingi into the clan begins with Musekur

clan composition in Ankole and Kigezi

Clan Composition in Nkore and Kigezi: There are four main clans that make up the traditional Nkore (Ankole) nation as we have historically known it, and which is the epic center of Kigezi star magazine operations. The rest of the clans as we shall see are called Sub- Clans (English), Emiryango (Runyakyitara),Imiryango(Kyinyarwanda/Kyirundi/ Kinyamulenge). These four main clans are: Abahinda,Abashambo, Abeishekatwa and Abagahe. In the traditional Kigezi nation, the clan composition that make the sub region’s tribes of Bakiga, Banyarwanda, Bafumbira and Batwa, is known to be ten. This composition comprises such clans as: Ba Kyinyangyiro, Abasigyi, Abashambo, Ba- Mugyesera, ……………. Abagahe Origin- The Nkore- Kigezi Account: According to various accounts in Kigezi sub region, all members of this “Abagahe” Clan originate from a very charismatic, wealthy but polygamous ancestor called KAGAHE. Like King Solomon of the biblical times, Kagahe had hundreds of wives to his name. With his humongous